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Barclays POINT User Survey Results

Find out how the fixed income industry is reacting to the planned retirement of Barclays POINT


Citisoft reports:

“After analyzing the survey results, one thing is clear: asset managers who use POINT were blindsided by the planned retirement of the platform with a short timeframe of just 18 months.

Some key findings include:

Visit Citisoft to download their Barclays POINT Survey Results

The IKINDI KTier™ helps asset management companies prepare for POINT alternatives over the next 18 months through the following key stages:

5-Step KTier™ Solution

This powerful rules-based business process and data engine forces an intelligent investment data highway in the cloud, providing the framework for enterprise reporting with validated, two-way, timely data.

Download your copy of the product sheet:

IKINDI KTier™ Solution for Barclays POINT Transition


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+1 (646) 472 5115